Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Into Oblivion

Into oblivion I cast my line 
Blue Zebco Splash spincaster
Kerr-plopps red and white bobber 
Sinker hook and nightcrawler 
Dad helps with the nightcrawlers

Into oblivion I sing my song
The Pentecostal prayer language 
Only my mother could translate 
Ay la Oh, malla Ay shunta shallay
Ay la Oh, malla Ay shunta shallay

Into oblivion I heap my life 
Pile of autumn leaves 
Sad browns and lucky reds
Wonders of yellow and orange
Acrid skin and the ache of the rake

-Girard Tournesol

Friday, July 26, 2019

Advent~Omega Resurrection -Poem# 10

"Let the priests of the Raven of 
dawn no longer in deadly black 
with hoarse note curse the sons 
of joy. For everything that lives is 
-Wm. Blake 

Raven feather, clime to weather, those seasons of 
unbelief/new Autumn breezes cool vistas unaware. 
Soon to September, fields are burning-light pools in segments 
among the trees-recalling spiral light of winding white 
those tattered stars or snow drift mist in bright columns. Beatific 
inspiration which overcomes/ O inner chambered  
Heart song, out of the well spring-so lonely and long we sing, 
yet salvation finds us. And all matter of inward wandering/ 
I speak to the living and the dead now~ of self strewn 
against this gulf of paradise, behind each empty shadow. 
Out of haunted time, Love or extended Grace 
entwining~hope rain linger/scent of Summer's ending-What willow 
weeps your steepled sky? Whitest tiny butterfly and sunflown into becalming 
winds.O resurrection, O forever [now this unity of Grace informs  
us.]  Raven feather, clime to weather, our radiant day together not  
ended- as we gaze like stars into Heaven. 

-T. Byron Kelly
Late July 1998 

A Meditation

Nothing so brings the spirit of reflection
upon the present moment
as the subject of dying, death
like some drawstring keeping feelings
and thoughts, remembering and forgetting,
memories from easily slipping out
as when death is not considered they scatter.
As if, somehow, no temptation
is great enough to move us from 
beneath the branches of the tree
of life and death.
                           How fleet afoot does time
then more truly seem when years
feel like compressed hours of meaning,
when desire and longing cannot
be satisfied.
                So I find myself there, here
in that funk when the fact of death
is as strong as the fact of life,
maybe a little more so because
time is no longer aligned so strongly
with life.
               Some say to consider death
more often would make a richer life;
I don't know.
                  What I do know is anything
that takes away from living is a death
and if we have but one life,
one death I know what I'm doing,
what contemplation is mine,
what moves me to be and do and love.
See how that works?
This poem began with some pontification
regarding dying and death
                                          and the only thing
I can conclude is being alive
and loving is the only thing to do.

-Byron Hoot

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Gone Fishin

Jacob has gone fishing as is his habit
in the morning before I wake
and sit writing, sipping coffee,
slight worried about a careless step
or a bear --
                   neither of which I am
capable of preventing.
I don't have any room to talk.
I often hunt alone, know how 
my children must feel with me
in the woods and no one to call
upon should something untowards
happen to me.
                    It's a good day for
fishing -- light wind out of the south,
no shadows to speak of,
the air relatively cool for July.
And, of course, the urge to fish,
the possibility of taking something.
and the possibility of catching
what is not being fished for.
I know how true that is in hunting --
what we seek we may not find
but we will find something.
And go out again the next day.
I am his father and he is my son
and we are doing what fathers
and sons have always done.

-Byron Hoot

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


In a velvet sky glows a silver moon
Dense dark woods echo an owls swoon
Yellow twinkles from a thousand fireflies
Golden flames flirt with the chill of night
Tranquility coaxes my thoughts to run deep
Cricket lullaby's gently sing me to sleep
Floating along on my river of dreams
Suddenly awakened by something unseen
Some "Thing" is crawling across my skin,
Down my cheek and across my chin!
It slithers up and down my arms 
Screaming, I slap at myself in alarm
Terror's clawing at my back as I flee
Stumbling along on trembling knees
Jumping in my truck I slam the door 
Turn the key, mash the pedal to the floor
Spinning tires roaring down the road
Chased by fear til I'm safely home
Laughing in relief, I realize what it was
Just that phantom feeling they call YUPUTKA!!

-Sharon L Hodge 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Dirt Ditch Lilly

ditch lilly dirt
perfect place

roads curved like the 
side of the moon
grail goblets
leaning towards heaven's face
to catch God's glance
and take it deep
and with catalytic courage 
into a deeper gold
than we can see
of this sun's reflection

day by day renewed
like manna 
blessed one day
like manna
gone with grace
but renewed the next

-Janey Pease

Monday, July 8, 2019


(a dream two weeks after my father passed away)
deep my sleep
and deep the dream that brought a river
rapid and sweet with hands lifted
fingers rippling west to east
green waters of the carolinas tumbling past my porch
clear and clean and smooth with round river rocks
waters pulsing
trees crowding the far side
waves streaming from the Source of all life
angels stirring the water after the long winter freeze
i was with friends in peaceful disarray
repairing a car
gathering broken pieces and putting them together

-Janey Pease

Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal. . .and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Rev. 22:1-2

Late Sumer Gifts

had i known the secrets of weeds
i would have waited to snap them loose
from this tender earth
this year i left them wild
and with a tender tug
saw they loosened best
even weeds require grace
and when they need to travel to a better place
(not my garden!)
i contemplate mercy behind their demise
i might have missed seeing wild vines of morning glories
one white as early mist
one purple as dusk
nuzzling my garden fence
and undersized
tapping the ovals of small watermelons
planted by grandchildren
snagging tomato plants
given by a son
pointing reedy fingers at melons rolling their rough sides
into the maze of overgrown greenery
i might have missed half grown elderberry
pale red paint strokes between the leaf and stalk
like the ruby throat of a nearby humming bird
wisp of a prophet
promising wine for winter when the berries ripen
and the healing begins
-Janey Pease

Elderberry has been used for centuries in folk medicine to treat different ailments. . . livestrong.com|By Ana Cassis

Wild Acres

the quiet gun has been fired
the languid race begun
as autumn’s reds and rusts overlap
the faded emeralds and broken leaves of summer

mountains curve
as if drawn by a child’s hand
in sets of seven, four, and five
sculpted by happenstance
and painted with van Gogh’s brush

the path folds and rolls like ribbon candy

the last of the wild flowers bloom
toes still tucked in the rock wall

what am i waiting for?

my thoughts to slow
to the pulse of cicadas

the sun to lift my chin
like the face of a flower
and warm me into fall

-Janey Pease


leaves fly past my window
men on a mission
paratroopers sailing
flailing in silk

undercover agents
trailing in brown camoflage
desperate to escape
or to save
the earth
cluttered in sincere intention
covering the tender grass

rain follows
and the grasses fold and tuck their green
into their center 
and wait for spring

-Janey Pease 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Bridge Over Summer

I stood at the bridge over summer
The Troubles hitchhiking behind me
It was time to diminish 

I take my time crossing, don't we all?
Holding the rail 
Enjoying every lick of the crick

This is my humidity and my humility 
And my forgiveness perfected 
The babble of a billion voices before 

Alien yet familiar as a kid's whistle
The code of the universe tapped in oak
 Beyond my last steps the footing is good

-Girard Tournesol
Quimby, Pickford and Cheshire Publishers

Blowin' in the Wind

The remnant of what
is always flies like some flag
from a once upon a time battlefield
where the causalities are few
but significant and the victory
and loss dubious
and the terms of each a moveable
feast whereon any given day
the claims can change and will.
And yet we are not liars,
poor rememberers but can't
deny how what we come to know
changes what  has been known,
that is, the meaning forever
not the same reflecting time's
water and wind swept changes
on us because we are not as
we have been and so, therefore,
neither is the meaning of new
understanding willing not to be
changed to match the knowledge
and sometimes wisdom arriving
dairly like some ancient caravan 
coming with new and wonderful
goods not seen before.
                               The wind inside 
lets me see the number of flags
flying, dancing
                      and I know those 
victories and defeats
to be reconsidered in light
of what could not be known before.

-Byron Hoot
Stained Glass Writers of Punxsutawney 

Selected Poems & Photos by Seth M. Lewis

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