Sunday, July 7, 2019

Blowin' in the Wind

The remnant of what
is always flies like some flag
from a once upon a time battlefield
where the causalities are few
but significant and the victory
and loss dubious
and the terms of each a moveable
feast whereon any given day
the claims can change and will.
And yet we are not liars,
poor rememberers but can't
deny how what we come to know
changes what  has been known,
that is, the meaning forever
not the same reflecting time's
water and wind swept changes
on us because we are not as
we have been and so, therefore,
neither is the meaning of new
understanding willing not to be
changed to match the knowledge
and sometimes wisdom arriving
dairly like some ancient caravan 
coming with new and wonderful
goods not seen before.
                               The wind inside 
lets me see the number of flags
flying, dancing
                      and I know those 
victories and defeats
to be reconsidered in light
of what could not be known before.

-Byron Hoot
Stained Glass Writers of Punxsutawney 

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