Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Mist of Gold

The atmosphere was the thinnest cheesecloth

filtering the light into a fine mist of gold

dust and the sky held dark, massive, aggressive

gray clouds with the whitest white billowing 

clouds next to them as if they knew

alone their beauty and terrible majesty incomplete

but side-by-side a beauty and awe to be remembered.

There was a shimmering of houses, the woods,

the fields of corn with the green, now golden green, 

swathes cut in-between.  I thought how beauty and art

arises from the right combination of parts the heart 

grasps immediately and thought again why we are given

such scenes if not to take them in and be moved by them, 

to create in our lives such a beautiful, terrifying, seductive art

that can change everything.

-Byron Hoot

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