Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Advent Omega/ Ascension-Love Conquers Poem #21

O throng of blackbirds risen against a slow shift of grey clouds (newly)
parting/ O the hope and the high arch of wondrous flock- slowly adrift then 
risen like quick arrows emboldened by the sun. To curve and 
sweep/ slow truth [the] deep destiny of time's removal and 
halo's in bright gold of rainbow's surmounting/ O love and the fair 
wings of trust/ you must have been beautiful, departing that
lonely afternoon and  as the Angels sang/ your four winds blended
with ocean mists-Your promise is still simply Grace/
as our cold monuments fade into misunderstanding. Love long/ the true
witness born/ the unsearchable poetry of vision-entwined 
of fire/ O body's guest/ Return the mind or flower frond-Tonight I think of deep born 
Spring and the sure Light which ordains the trees into green/ tonight the vast
sky looks into Winter/ as stars tender their far gleaming and recount colour of noon gusts of snow light .

-T. Byron Kelly

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