Thursday, December 12, 2024

No Difference

It is another rain day in December,

ten days from the winter solstice.

The beauty of snow and cold

like a passionate, unfaithful lover

who cannot be denied.  The jeweled 

word, “Hope” hangs from every 

branch like icicles from a Christmas 

tree.  As if that word sustains the barren

beauty of the season, the dreams that 

turn the eyes to the horizon each morning,

the sighs the heart and soul give to one

another like gifts.  I think of winter as cold

and snow but am beginning to believe

its essence is its seduction of bareness

to a fullness that lies hidden.  Outside,

inside . . . there is no difference.

-Byron Hoot

1 comment:

  1. I love the image of "Hope" hanging as icicles from the frozen trees. Beautiful line.


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