Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Affect

There is a destination to arrive at on Thursday

and that affects what I will do today.

The argument could be made there’s always

a destination affecting today.

And that would be true, perhaps even right

the way a stride demands two steps 

going in the same direction.  The car is clean,

filled up with gas.  The packing waiting 

for me and the list in my mind to be checked off

when I put the duffel bag in the car.

I’m thinking about what time to leave,

how far I want to drive, the finishing off

of the trip after a night in some motel

with no reservation made.  I have not been

where I’m going for a long time; there are 

few returns I make – today turning into                                                   

tomorrow enough of a return for me.

I am almost ready to leave.

-Byron Hoot

Friday, September 22, 2023

And Still

"There is no end to imagining. . .. 
Or to wondering at superfluous 
beauty. . . A world of words could
not describe this wordless world."
Wendell Berry, A Small Porch,, #14
. . . and yet we write and read 
and listen.  The world is words
insufficient and our urge 
to find the right ones in the right
order like confessing our sins
week after week absolved,
given our penance and hope.
This may be the divine mystery:
our refusal damnation. 
our acceptance salvation, 
grace -- the world of paradox
we live in.

-Byron Hoot

Dream Knowledge

Dream Knowledge I miss sleeping with a woman I love. Our bodies parallel, our dreams passing back and forth, the distance like a bridge as m...