Monday, March 27, 2023

Sentiment And Retrospect

The last ray of twilight has faded, the moon's silver light shines instead:
And yet, though all worn out and jaded, sleep forsakes my lone pillow and bed.
As I wander alone in the moonlight, looking into far azure blue.
Hark! The clock strikes the hour of midnight: I was thinking my heart's love,
of you.
Does life's retrospect leap time and distance, back from Heaven to Earth's
transient home?
Yes, the saints ne'er forget the existence of the dear ones they've left here to
Is it wrong to think of the love dreams that brightened our pathway in youth?
Is it wrong to cherish their memory, since forgetting will not alter truth.
Backward o'er times fleeting cycles to the days when hope's star shone most
Fond memory bids me to linger, and ask you to join me tonight.
Come then, let us sit by the river, when vesper brings Venus to view;
For Cupid has darts in his quiver. I'll reveal the glad secret- to you.
When at last we shall meet by the river. Life's river that flows by the throne,
I'll thank Cupid's dart and his quiver, and claim you again for my own.

-Walter C. Harris
Limestone, Tenn.
January 4th, 1922


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