Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Nature of Betrayal

Ask Esau about the metaphysics 
of deception 
                  whereby a blind father
gives to a lying son what  is not his
and God honors the blessing as if 
seeing a self-reflection in a moment
the nature of reality 
and  how betrayal often is a step into
something better than what 
might have been.
                            I'm not making this up,
it's in The Book.
                          In more places than one
right down and through the Passion 
and Resurrection
                           which isn't about Jesus               
dying for our sins but showing
just what it takes to die to the greatest
lie -- of being who we're not.
                                            That may be mine
but it's in The Book
if only between the lines.

-Byron Hoot

Monday, October 21, 2019


Moses  has been running through the woods
lighting those bushes that  burn but
never ash.
                There are rumors of a wild, naked
man carrying a torch.
                                 What divine audacity
do we have to light what burns
forever once a year?
                                 Moses has struck
another bush, I see. 

-Byron Hoot

Dream Knowledge

Dream Knowledge I miss sleeping with a woman I love. Our bodies parallel, our dreams passing back and forth, the distance like a bridge as m...